Living Like Jesus
"I crave no human honor"
The Carnal Christian
"I am content to receive praise from others" John 5:55
"I look for no mortal fame" John 5:41
The Carnal Christian
"I value credit with men more than credit with God"
"I am able to do nothing from myself"
The Carnal Christian
"I can do it by myself"
"As the Voice comes to Me, I give a decision"
The Carnal Christian
"I make decisions based on my desires"
"I do not seek my own will"
The Carnal Christian
"I do it my way"
"I have no desire to do what is pleasing to Myself"
The Carnal Christian
"I want to do only what is pleasing to myself"
-unknown author
Thanks for the Sunday Sermon!
Love ya,
Plant Lady
Hi Dorothy,
I don't know if you'll remember me or not but we pastored in Coopersburg, PA for 13 years where your Aunt Margie (Margie to us Sadie to you :o) & Uncle George went to Church. I remember you coming there to visit different times with your parents. Now we're pastoring in Barberton, Ohio. I came across your blog through someone else's! Nice to make contact with you again.
I love the pictures, Dot! And I sure do love sisters! Thank you for being a wonderful sister to me!
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