Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our "famous" friends

Don Quales and family are now "famous" gospel singers. But years (and years) ago
he was my very first piano student!!!!
Kim and Phil Collingsworth at our house after their inspirational concert. (Their music is simply amazing!!!) When I was packing to move, I found a couple letters Kim wrote me when she was about ten years old!!!!

Our very dear friend, Mayor Cornelia Olive, at the National Day of Prayer event. Mark organized prayer times at her office with local ministers every Tuesday morning when we lived in Sanford, NC.
My friendship with Ann and Frank Baldwin goes way back......I have always loved them dearly. We met them in Indiana last year as we traveled home from a FLAME event in Frankfort, IN.

This is our friend, Alvin Conyers, who is a missionary to Siberia.
He and Mark went to High School together in Atlanta!!!!
Do you have any "famous" friends?

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