One first grader played the assigned song very well, slowing down nicely at the end of the piece. "That was beautiful!" I praised effusively. "I especially like the way you gradually slowed down at the end of the piece. That's called a Ritard." "Oh," she pressed her lips together solemnly shaking her head, "I can't say that word - it has a bad meaning!"
Another child, arriving for her piano lesson burst through the door and announced grandly in a loud voice, "Well, this is the last day I won't have any cavities!" "Why is that?" I enquired. She replied, "Because tomorrow I'm going to the dentist!"lllll
Sometimes I get more information that I want. In response to, "How are you doing today?" one child confided, "Guess what! Last night a policeman came to our house!"
I was invited to a birthday party by one little boy. I asked him for directions to his house. He gave the following: "It's real easy. You just go down that road where the tree is and you'll see a mailbox. You turn there. And," he finished triumphantly, "we live right beside our neighbor!"
One little girl asked me what the "Heart Trophy" was. I tried to explain, "It's a trophy I give at the recital to a student who works very hard and really puts his WHOLE heart into piano lessons." "Well," she said in a disappointed tone, "I know I won't get that one because I only put half my heart in it!"
I have a quiet, genteel cat named Squeeky. One of my first graders pleadingly begged, "I've never had a nice cat like Squeeky." Then she made a request. "Mrs. Klass, when you're ninety will you please give me Squeeky?!"
(Either I look really old or Squeeky's going to live to an amazing age!)
(Either I look really old or Squeeky's going to live to an amazing age!)
Amusing! How do these children think up these things? I know they are precious to you. It reminds me of when Karen (my niece) was little and the carolers came over to Aunt Myrtle's. They sang, "Joy to the World," and got to the verse that said "and heaven and nature sing"-she said that the "nature singers" were at the door! How cute!
Hava a nice day!
Plant Lady
Hello from Mr. & Mrs. Plant Lady!
Love and Blessings!
Hi Dorothy, So happy to find your blog. Don't have one myself yet, but do have a website for our church. It's mwmchurch.com if you care to visit it sometime. I'm enjoying reading your thoughts and remembering our times growing up and in school together. Keep in touch. blowerdeb@verizon.net
Deb Corban Blowers
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