Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Prayer for Today


Please help me not to allow any situation, any person, or any discouragement to eclipse my vision of You.

Let no influence hinder my enthusiastic pursuit of Your daily word to me.

Help my human tendencies to be so wrapped with Your Spirit that the distractions of life have no power to color my emotions.

Keep me, Father, close, carrying me as a little lamb near to your heart.

May I feel the comfort of Your arms around me, the blessing of Your tender embrace, the unmistakable sense of the intertwining of our spirits.

May I hear the whisper of Your voice above the din, the certain knowledge that You ARE directing my paths, that Your will is being done in me today. I ask this in Jesus name, Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Dot. I love the picture of Mark that you have posted. He is such an encourager and wonderful uncle to our kids!

I just read Nehemiah 9 this morning and thought it related to the "not listening" blog. It is a beautiful chapter of God's leadership in spite of the ways the Israelites forsook His wise instructions (like we sometimes forsake the wise instructions of our husbands!!). I am glad that God in His mercy led them anyway!! Of course, we learn, and soon value and even ask for their opinions!!!!!!

I love you, Dot. Read Nehemiah 9: 19-21 and 25. I cried and cried as I read this chapter. It is definitely a "I remember what God did when" chapter.

I love you,