Sunday, February 15, 2009

Come to God then....

I love this selection from George MacDonald's book,
Discovering the Character of God:

"Come to God, then, my brother, my sister, with all your desires and instincts,
all your lofty ideals,
all your longing for purity and unselfishness,
all your yearning to love and be true,
all your aspirations after self-forgetfulness and child-life in the breath of the Father.
Come to Him with all your weaknesses,
all your shames,
all your futilities;
with all your helplessness over your own thoughts;
with all your failures, yes,
the sick sense of having missed the tide of true affairs.
Come to Him with all your doubts, fears,
dishonesties, meanness,
paltriness, misjudgments,
weariness, disappointments, and staleness.
Be sure He will take you with all your miserable brood into the care of His limitless heart!
For He is light, and in Him is no darkness at all."


Mar said...

How can we not "Come to God, then...." when we face up with the reality of what we are, and more importantly who we are? Although we may at times have an elevated opinion of ourselves in some areas, we sometimes fail miserably and that can surprise and even devastate us. It is then that we risk falling into depression and hopelessness if we do not remember to come to the One who made us, died for us, and sustains us in every possible way. Why do we wait so long to come to God? Is it easier to brood or complain to nearby ears? As for me - I must commit to turning to Him first and foremost and just acknowledging who He is to me and then let Him be my wonderful Lord. And that has to be good.

Dorothy, thank you for this post. It was just what I needed to be reading last night and again this morning.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Dot......... wonderful comments, Marlene............

I love you,

Avis said...

I have read and re-read this post. So rich ! I need to get this book, if it is possible. Either your book is very old or is a reprint. Thanks for sharing.