Saturday, September 19, 2009


It started this morning with a casual walk to the barn. My little niece had informed me that there were some new baby goats and wanted me to see them. There is nothing more wonderful than babies of any kind and these were no exception. They were SIMPLY adorable and when I picked up a tiny one in my arms, he laid his little head against me and made THAT a FAVORITE MOMENT!

A short time later as I walked to the garden, I observed that the rising sun had covered everything in beauty beads. It was a BEAUTIFUL MORNING!! Dean was cutting some okra for me and suddenly I noticed the row of dried cornstalks behind him. The entire row from end to end was covered with Morning Glories in full bloom. Hundreds and hundreds of blooms various shades of pink, purple and blue literally blanketed the garden. It was spectacular, breathtakingly lovely and another FAVORITE MOMENT!

I left Dean's and drove to a neighbors who had muscadines that needed picking. What a sweet, delightful treat to see the vines hanging with the delicious grapes. I enjoyed filling my gallon bucket, tasting as I went. That was a FAVORITE MOMENT!

After coming home (I had stayed with Mom last night) I felt tired and a little sad so I snuggled with Mark in his big recliner. Mark is the MOST snuggable person in the entire world and the peaceful, happy feeling that snuggling with a loved person brings made THAT a FAVORITE MOMENT!

In a few minutes Mark left to take some things to his parents so I went out to play with the neighbor's dog. The poor animal lives in a sea of mud and doggie doo doo and always seems hungry for food and friendship. I took one of my worn out socks, tied a knot in it, and we played tug-a-war for quite awhile. He enjoyed a doggie treat and his "smile" made it a FAVORITE MOMENT!

God, thank you for all the simple yet wonderful moments in my life. The day is only half over and You've given me SO MUCH!!


dar said...

Reading your well-written blog is a FAVORITE MOMENT for me......and thinking back over my life, a lot of favorite moments included time with you.....listening to you sing and play..........hearing an encouraging word from you.....

Thank you for your love for life......the simplest everyday experiences can be FAVORITE MOMENTS when we take time to notice.

I would love to see the little goats....... that brings back memories of Mom and me walking back into the field before Dean was married.........I think I had 3 young 'uns with me.........We found triplet goats out there......that was a favorite moment..........

I love you, Dot ! Thank you for the great word pictures you paint.........I enjoy them!


Mar said...

I have a feeling that God is pleased when His children find delight in the simple things, the things which are living and innocent. Playing with a dog in the doo definitely would be more of a challenge than a favorite, but then you have that wonderful heart thing going. Enjoying your brother's garden and picking grapes - oh goodness, that brings so many precious memories back to me. If you have a gap in your week, let me know....

Marilyn B said...

Thank you for this beautiful blog. :) Like you, I find joy in so many things throughout the day... today I was driving down the road and saw a bunch of dandelions that had gone to seed... the rays from the setting sun shone through their fluffy white tops in the most wonderful way, and it made my heart smile. :) Thank you again for the lovely way you describe things...