Everyone has some sort of problem......well, everyone except my mom. She's always happy, she's always "FINE", and she always has a good day. But I feel quite sure that she is the exception. Most everyone else I know is NOT always happy, is NOT always fine, and is NOT always having a good day!
Most likely we should not compare problems but when I am engulfed by something difficult for me I try to get a new perspective to help me through it. Mother has a saying that may have led to these mental gymnastics. The saying, no matter what has or is happening to us....."It could be worse."
(For example, the other day while eating dinner together I made the comment, "This meat sure is tough." Mom's response? "It'd be tougher if you didn't have any!")
Since Mark and I have been somewhat short of funds lately, I decided to consider the problems others are presently dealing with and this is my discovery. I HAVE THE BEST PROBLEM!!!!!
Many who have "money to save, money to spend, money to lend a friend", have far, far worse senarios: failing health, the loss of a loved one, the heartbreak of a "prodigal" child, an unhappy marriage, a ghastly disease, or in my opinion the absolutely, most dreadful.......a lack of faith and consequently NO RELATIONSHIP with God!!! This one truly frightens me beyond words. I would be terrified to lose my faith or my walk with the Lord.
THE BEST PROBLEM IS.........financial shortfall. We are relatively healthy, have our family close, enjoy a happy marriage, and best of all are getting to know the truth of His word which cannot fail. He HAS, IS, and WILL supply our needs, and NOTHING can separate us from HIS LOVE!!!! (A "shouting" point indeed!)
This perspective is giving me quite a lot of comfort at the moment. I praise HIM that He is able to do superabundantly, far over and above all that I dare ask or think--infinitely beyond my highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams!! (Eph. 3:20)
God, THANK YOU for giving me the BEST PROBLEM.....well, it doesn't even seem like a problem now. Actually, the possibility presenting itself to me at the moment is the fact that I HAVE NO PROBLEMS AT ALL!!!!!
What a powerful way to begin the day - thanking God for the best problem! It's so good to KNOW, really know and trust that our WONDERFUL LORD has everything under control. We do all we can do and feel God is leading us to do and then we have to just rest in Him. And then we see how He opens the way, sometimes inch by inch, but He does open the way. I kind of like depending on Him rather than putting my confidence in man. (Oh and by the way - are you sure your mom didnt say "....if you didnt have any - teeth?") What a dear she is!
Marlene, I'm not bringing that up.
What a godly perspective. Thanks for sharing.
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