My sister, Darlene, and I are both going through similar circumstances. Charlie and Mark (our husbands) are ministers going into other careers (perhaps temporarily) and both of us were homeless and jobless a month ago. (Since that time Mark and I have found housing but are still looking for work. They are still looking for both.) The Lord has opened up a place for Darlene and some of the children to stay for a short time, while Charley is ministering at a Campmeeting up north. She wrote me about it in an email this morning and it was so encouraging I thought I would share......
So, from the pen of Darlene.....
Good morning............I've been thinking this morning and wanted to share what I am learning!
"Putting it in God's hands" has always been something I did/said at the end of my struggles. I had prayed as hard and long as I could, I had searched everywhere for answers; and at the end of it all I would say with tears and a feeling of defeat, "Well, I have put it in God's hands."
Well, God is showing me WHOSE hands we are placing our burdens in.
His are the hands of THE VICTOR over sin, hell, and the grave. (THAT is NO SMALL VICTORY!!!)
His are the hands of the One who fed 5,000 with one little boy's lunch.
His are the hands of the One who spoke worlds into existence......WHO spoke something out of nothing! He is Creator God.
So, I am learning to place things in His hands FIRST !!! After they are in His hands, I can listen for His instructions.
Totally new concept for me. I love it!
ALSO this morning He is teaching me about "entering into His rest." We are complete in HIM. (Colossians) We have died, been buried, and resurrected with Him when we enter into His rest in FAITH! Anyway, I have been asking God to show me what that meant.
A month ago we didn't know where we were going to live................ nothing was working out! So, in despair and with lots of tears I put it "in God's hands"! (Aren't you glad He loves us and answers even when we don't understand what we are doing?)
We are now living in a place that a month ago we didn't know existed. When we moved in, the lady over the house said..............use my furniture, my towels, my table ware. Don't worry about bringing your things; use mine. Oh, any food in the house.........just eat it. AND, my can use the computer and, yes, if you need to print something.......the printer is there.
Oh, yes, there is a big porch. Feel free to enjoy it! AND the utilities are always kept don't worry about anything like that!..........ALL THINGS TO ENJOY !
So, now I know and understand that HE conquered sin and when I enter into HIS victory He gives me ALL THINGS in Christ. I can LIVE in HIS victory! I am learning and I love what He is teaching me!
I love to learn, so share what you are learning!
I love you all..........