I slowly got out of my car and began walking toward the front entrance of Thomasville Middle School. It was about 7:30 a.m. and I felt sleepy AND a little grumpy about substitute teaching that day.
I noticed a teacher greeting the students at the front entrance as they were dropped off for school. I didn't know the teacher's name, had never met him but.....Wow! He was REALLY dressed up....a black suit, white shirt, and red tie. The thought passed through my mind that there MUST be a special assembly; I had NEVER seen a teacher at school dressed in a suit.
As I got closer I called out, "Is there something special going on? You look awfully nice in your suit." He responded with a loud, hardy, "WELL, PRAISE GOD!" I was really taken aback and I suppose looked a bit surprised. As I walked toward him, he shouted again, "WELL, PRAISE GOD!" I gave a rather weak "Amen" as he explained. "I have grumbled and complained so much that I just decided that I need to STOP complaining and START praising......so I'm PRAISING GOD today!"
As I walked in the front door my spirits were raised considerably! But I also felt a twinge of guilt.
I reflected on the fact that I, too, have grumbled, complained, worried, and murmured about anything and everything. I began to wonder what my attitude says about my faith and trust in God when I constantly question what He's doing. It surely must make His heart sad when I'm unappreciative and proud, taking for granted His blessings, complaining over every delay, hardship, or trial that come along.
So, I've decided to PRAISE GOD! When things go right or wrong to MY way of thinking I remember that He DOES have a plan, I don't KNOW the plan so I just need to TRUST and PRAISE GOD!!!! You know what? I think God REALLY likes it!!!!!
Excellent...and convicting!
Oh yes! What an encouraging word that was. In some situations it is not easy to praise the Lord, but we know we are to do that. And there is something healing to the soul when we allow ourselves to leave our grumps and enter into praise. Thanks for that reminder, dear friend.....
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