Death by Dorothy Bowen Klass
Death leaves an open void,
an everlasting ache,
a sadness lessened, not erased, by time.
The loss of those I loved
their faces etched forever in my mind,
a laugh, a gesture, a uniqueness I cannot forget--
A silent grief I seldom share
for no one else can fully understand
that personal connecting bond,
or know those things I now hold dear,
that but for sacred memory,
would never come again.
Dedicated to the memory of: Dad Bowen, C. Helen Mooshian, George and Sadie Young, Howard and Rose Diddle, Grandma Espey, Nancy Lyons, Eileen Slabaugh, Carmel Gore, Joann Hobbs, Myrtle Hayes, Annie Laura Gore, Joanna Stevens, Raymond Callahan, Don Larrimore, Robert and Cindy Deaton, Coyte York, R.W. and Ruby Dunn, and Millard and Naomi Downing.